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return {
[==[Hair today, gone tomorrow!]==],
[==["There are no dead" [[Maurice Maeterlinck]]]==],
[==[There's not much justice in the world.]==],
[==[Don't be evil. - Google]==],
[==[Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.]==],
[==[Freedom isn't free.]==],
[==[Edit your world]==],
[==[In the future: all books will have an edit button]==],
[==[So I can just edit this and it shows up?]==],
[==[Of the people, by the people, for the people]==],
[==[Create, edit, expand]==],
[==[The revolution will not be televised; it will be wikified]==],
[==[NPOV is 'absolute and non-negotiable.' ([[Jimbo Wales]])]==],
[==[The Crazy Kingdom of [[Jimmy Wales]] {{done}}]==],
[==[Weni, Widi, Wiki]==],
[==[(Reverted edits by to last version by {{done}}]==],
[==[Nobody knows everything... but everybody knows something]==],
[==[The People's Encyclopedia]==],
[==[Every day better]==],
[==[Be bold. Behold! {{done}}]==],
[==[So you've been chucked out of the library for scribbling in the books, welcome]==],
[==[Power of Knowledge]==],
[==[Ever striving for...a half decent motto]==],
[==[All your knowledge are belong to us!]==],
[==[It all works out in the end]==],
[==[We have the answer]==],
[==[Don't Panic!]==],
[==[{{tl|sofixit}} {{done}}]==],
[==[The world's largest encyclopedia]==],
[==[Arguably correct]==],
[==[''This [[encyclopedia]] is a [[Wikipedia:Stub|stub]]. You can [[Wikipedia:Find or fix a stub|help]] by [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit}} expanding it].'' {{done}}]==],
[==[Encyclopedia, of 'U', for 'U', by 'U'.]==],
[==[This motto is being considered for deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's deletion policy]==],
[==[Giving free knowledge freely for a free people]==],
[==[Taking over the web one edit at a time]==],
[==[All. Together. Now.]==],
[==[Everything you didn't know you didn't know]==],
[==[Learn. Know. Laugh. Love. Wikipedia.]==],
[==[For great encyclopedia!]==],
[==[Something Greater]==],
[==[The Three Ws: Reading, Writing and Wikification]==],
[==[The collective knowledge of the world and then some]==],
[==[Out of mediocrity, excellence<br />]==],
[==[Because read-only is for the birds]==],
[==[Memo: Buy more witty Wikipedia mottos.]==],
[==[The World's Encyclopedia]==],
[==[Wikipedia: Taking over the web one article at a time]==],
[==[Improvement never stops]==],
[==[Where you can actually fix the typos instead of complaining to a webmaster]==],
[==[Wikipedia: The World knowledge revolution]==],
[==[An edit a day keeps the vandals away]==],
[==[Save paper. Waste electricity.]==],
[==[Help wanted. [[Wikipedia:How to edit a page|Inquire within]].]==],
[==[We are the knights who say!]==],
[==[I think therefore I Wiki.]==],
[==[A million monkeys, a million typewriters... and still no Shakespeare.]==],
[==[Wikipedia: the rest is silence.]==],
[==[I came, I saw, I edited]==],
[==[World's Premier Knowledge Advisor]==],
[==[The best knowledge is knowledge shared.]==],
[==[The chief export of Wikipedia is knowledge]==],
[==[I say, we will have no more [[Wikipedia:Fancruft|fancruft]]: those that are written already, all but one, shall stay; the rest shall keep as they are.]==],
[==[Encyclopedias are now fun]==],
[==[Wikipedia, the ''former'' home of Brian Peppers.]==],
[==[Giving free knowledge freely for a free people]==],
[==[The greatest ever encycl... rv [[POV]]]==],
[==[Wikipedia: Necessity is the mother of intention... or a peer review]==],
[==[One million articles, half a million stubs.]==],
[==[No [[exploding animal|animals were harmed]] in the making of this encyclopaedia.]==],
[==[After all, tomorrow is another featured article candidate!]==],
[==[Wikipedia: Because one man's "cruft" is another man's treasure]==],
[==[Good encyclopedia articles and other editable nonsense.]==],
[==[[[The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything|42]].]==],
[==[Wikify the World.<br />]==],
[==[We believe because we know.]==],
[==[Share your knowledge.]==],
[==[Wikipedia: Great minds and others edit alike.]==],
[==[For you, by you.]==],
[==[Knowledge from anyone, insight to everyone.]==],
[==[Learn, learn to contribute.]==],
[==[Amend, edit, expand, discuss.]==],
[==[Master the way of the edit, you must. Begun, the Edit Wars have.]==],
[==[We came in peace for all mankind.]==],
[==[Wikipedia: Great minds and others edit alike]==],
[==[You couldn't pay me enough for doing this much work ... but I'll do it for free.]==],
[==[Warning - [[Wikipedian|Wikipedians]] now targeting vandals.]==],
[==[The [[Wikipedia:Neutral point of view|neutrality]] of this motto is [[Wikipedia:NPOV dispute|disputed]].]==],
[==[This site is under construction and [[Wikipedia:How to edit a page|you can help]]!]==],
[==[Wikipedia: What your paper encyclopedia doesn't have.]==],
[==[Insert, pervert, revert]==],
[==[Mostly harmless]==],
[==[Thou Shalt Not Sign Thy Work]==],
[==[All the encyclopedia you can eat... and regurgitate.]==],
[==[Made in Jimmy ®]==],
[==[Jimbo wants YOU... to join the Wiki-army!]==],
[==[We make the internet not suck.]==],
[==[Wikipedia: What your paper encyclopedia doesn't have.]==],
[==[This [[encyclopedia]] is in need of attention from an [[expert]].]==],
[==[Your daily source for bad mottos and other deleted nonsense.]==],
[==[<sub>''(Redirected from [[Wikipedia|free online encyclopedia]])''</sub>]==],
[==[Thought you vandalized something? Oh no you didn't!]==],
[==[This site is under construction and [[Wikipedia:How to edit a page|you can help]]!]==],
[==[To edit... or not to edit. That is the question.]==],
[==[To meet Wikipedia's [[:Category:Wikipedia style guidelines|quality standards]], this [[encyclopedia]] may require [[Wikipedia:Cleanup|cleanup]].]==],
[==[Jimbo wants YOU... to join the Wiki-army!<br />]==],
[==[Wikipedia: The great center of knowledge.]==],
[==[A million monkeys, a million typewriters, a million cattle prods, and no bananas!]==],
[==[The revolution will not be televised, but it will be downloaded.]==],
[==[Just do it! Do it again! One more time!]==],
[==[What do you mean: 'There's no "you" in encyclopaedia'?]==],
[==[So fix it!]==],
[==[Brought to you by the letters 'W' and 'P' and the number 42.]==],
[==[The compendium of netters' knowledge]==],
[==[''This list of mottos is a [[Wikipedia:Stub|stub]]. You can [[Wikipedia:Find or fix a stub|help]] Wikipedia by <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} expanding it]</span>.'']==],
[==[[[Wikipedia:Be bold in updating pages|Be bold]]]==],
[==[Welcome to [[Wikipedia]], may we take your knowledge?]==],
[==[[[Wikipedia]]: For when you absolutely, positively have to know about [[exploding animal]]s overnight.]==],
[==[This one has weird wording]==],
[==[An Open Knowledge Base]==],
[==[Ignorance for no length. Edit wars must cease. [[Wikipedia:Be bold|Bravery]] is freedom.]==],
[==[Wikipedia: more matter with less art.]==],
[==[Wikipedia: The in-flight magazine of the internet.]==],
[==[Don't bitch; fix!]==],
[==[Free in the Knowledge and First in the World]==],
[==[How many [[Wikipedia]] editors does it take to [[Lightbulb joke|change a lightbulb]]? One, but anyone can change it back.]==],
[==[The future's Wiki]==],
[==["You expect me to edit?" "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to be reverted!"]==],
[==["Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful encyclopedia."]==],
[==[Free knowledge, freely]==],
[==[We do the research so you don't have to]==],
[==[Read my lips: no new userboxes]==],
[==[Wikipedia: Too bad it does not rhyme.]==],
[==[Surf's up!]==],
[==[The free online encyclopedia ON WHEELS!!!]==],
[==[If you build it, they will come.]==],
[==[Wikipedia: If you vandalise it, it will vandalise you.]==],
[==[{| class="messagebox current" style="width: auto;" | [[Image:Current event marker.png|50px| ]] | '''This encyclopedia is a [[current events|current event]].''' <br> <small>The knowledge revolution is here.</small> |}]==],
[==[100% consensus or your knowledge reverted.]==],
[==[Hallowed are the Wik-i]==],
[==[Wikipedia: If you were an encyclopedia, it'd edit you]==],
[==[By definition, my POV is much more neutral than yours]==],
[==[All bow to the power of the wiki!]==],
[==[You couldn't pay me enough for doing this much work ... but I'll do it for free.]==],
[==[Frankly, my TfD, I don't give a damn. But others do.]==],
[==["The article, Percival; you must... revert it, that it be correct!"'' - [[Le Morte Darthur|Le Morte Dwiki]].]==],
[==['''Quiet, numbskulls, I'm editing!''']==],
[==[Paper? What's that?]==],
[==[If you can "surf" the Web, Wikipedia is the Pacific Ocean.]==],
[==[¡Hola da Αγγλικά Wikipedia!]==],
[==[Wikipedia is cool! Yeah, yeah, paper encyclopedias suck!]==],
[==[With great power comes great responsibillity.]==],
[==[Everything I need to know I learned from Wikipedia.]==],
[==[Wikipedia is loaded with opinions, but most are neutral.]==],
[==[Do not taunt the Wikipedia Puzzle Ball!]==],
[==['''''Oh no........the motto of the day isn't working please help us by adding [[WP:MOTTO|one]]''''']==],
[==[What's a motto, you?]==],
[==[Wikipedia: Everyone's Edit War]==],
[==[Things change often, especially on Wikipedia.]==],
[==[[[Money back guarantee|You're guaranteed to learn, or your money b-]] Wait, it's free.]==],
[==[Rock beats scissors. Paper beats rock. [[WP:NOT#Wikipedia is not a paper encyclopedia|Wiki]] beats paper.]==],
[==[The truth does not depend on a consensus of opinion.--[[User:Bhadani|Bhadani]]]==],
[==[An encyclopedia must be measured by its accuracy, a project must be measured by its success, and a community must be measured by its actions. Wikipedia is measured by all three.]==],
[==[[[We Will Rock You|We will, We will, Inform you!]]]==],
[==[If you can "surf" the Web, [[Wikipedia]] is the [[Pacific Ocean]].]==],
[==[This is a temporary Motto of the Day. Hooray!!]==],
[==[Happy Wikipedians write a better encyclopedia.]==],
[==[Paper? What's that?]==],
[==[Knowledge is Power; Take Some]==],
[==[¡Hola da Αγγλικά Wikipedia!]==],
[==[Wikipedia: My anti-dumb]==],
[==[In Soviet Russia, Wikipedia edits you!]==],
[==[Please do not neglect to read the [[Wikipedia:Motto of the day|Motto of the Day]]; it is considered [[Wikipedia:Vandalism|vandalism]].]==],
[==[<div class="usermessage">You have [[Special:Newpages|new articles]] ([[Special:Recentchanges|last vandal]]).</div>]==],
[==[<b><i>"Errare humanum est,"</i> but don't make it an excuse.</b>]==],
[==[[[Wikipedia:Wikipedians|We]] are the champions, my friends, and we'll keep on [[Help:Reverting|fighting]] 'till [[Armageddon|the end]]...]==],
[==[Once more, unto the edit, dear Wikipedians, once more, or close up the [[red link]] with our Admin dead!]==],
[==[<center>[[Image:Krone Kaiser Rudolf II Kaisertum Österreich.jpg|150px|thumb|<strong><font color= purple><font face=Times New Roman>Ecce</font></font> <font color="gold"><font face=papyrus>Wiki</font></font><font color= darkred>!</font></strong>]]</center>]==],
[==[[[WP:BB|Courage]], [[Jimmy Wales|Saint George]]; [[Wikipedia:Community Portal/Opentask|inspire us]] with the [[WP:EW|fire]] of [[Wikipedia:Recent_changes_patrol#Vandalism|dragons]]]==],
[==[[[Google search|Weeding out]] [[Internet|the rest]] always leaves [[Wikipedia|the best]].]==],
[==[You are [[Wikipedia:Assume good faith|innocent]] until [[Wikipedia:CheckUser|proven]] [[Wikipedia:Vandalism|guilty]].]==],
[==[It is better to [[Wikipedia:Contributing to Wikipedia|give]] than to [[Wikipedia:Blocking policy|receive]].]==],
[==[<s>Kitty</s>Wikipedia <s>4 u</s>: The <s>Communist</s> Free Encyclopedia ON WHEELS!]==],
[==[You can always scribble in an encyclopedia, but clicking on one is so much more fun.]==],
[==[It's 'Pedia. Wikipedia]==],
[==[Limitless knowledge at the click of a mouse.]==],
[==[The best -and worst- of what we all know.]==],
[==[The best of Web 2.0]==],
[==[You can click the things you don't know.]==],
[==[Finally, an encyclopedia where you can find stuff out of alphabetical order!]==],
[==[Being smart is hip again!]==],
[==[''Wikipedia - Abandon all hope, ye who enter here ([[Dante Alighieri]])'']==],
[==[Everything is possible, the impossible just takes longer.]==],
[==[{{User:Geo.plrd/Userbox template|[[Image:Wikipedia-logo.png|35px]]|This user<u>box</u> is a frequent contribut<s>or</s><u>ion</u> to [[WP:MOTTO|Motto of the day]].]==],
[==[Wiki is not the answer. Wiki is the question. Yes is the answer.]==],
[==["Janice, take a memo: Think of more witty mottos."]==],
[==[Caveat lector ''(Let the reader beware.)]==],
[==[[[Money back guarantee|You're guaranteed to learn, or your money b-]] Wait, it's free.]==],
[==[.[[WP:NOT#Wikipedia_is_not_a_mirror_or_a_repository_of_links.2C_images.2C_or_media_files|etis rorrim a ton]] si aidepikiW]==],
[==[To wiki, or not to wiki. That's an easy question!]==],
[==[Free beer: ''Gratis''. Free speech: ''Libre''. Free encyclopedia: ''Both''.]==],
[==[Finally, an encyclopedia where you can find stuff out of alphabetical order!]==],
[==[Rock beats scissors. Paper beats rock. [[WP:NOT#Wikipedia is not a paper encyclopedia|Wiki]] beats paper.]==],
[==[[[Wikipedia]]: The reason the [[World Wide Web|Web]] exists.]==],
[==[Wikipedia - where [[Wikipedia:WikiGnome|gnome]]s, [[Wikipedia:WikiFairy|faeries]], [[Template:User delphine|dolphins]], and encyclopedists [[Wikipedia:Edit war|war]] against [[Wikipedia:Vandalism|vandals]] and [[WP:TROLL|trolls]].]==],
[==[There never was a good [[Wikipedia:Edit war|war]] or a bad [[Wikipedia:Civility|peace]].]==],
[==[It's 'Pedia. ''Wiki''pedia.]==],
[==[''Wikipedia - Abandon all hope, ye who enter here ([[Dante Alighieri]])'']==],
[==[Limitless knowledge at the click of a mouse.]==],
[==[<s>Kitty</s>Wikipedia: The <s>Communist</s> Free Encyclopedia <s>ON WHEELS!</s>]==],
[==[Put the Wiki in the Pedia and add more info to "[[Morning]]"]==],
[==[The best -and worst- of what we all know.]==],
[==[The best of Web 2.0.]==],
[==["Janice, take a memo: Think of more witty mottos."]==],
[==[What you cannot experience yourself, you must learn through those people and things that you trust.]==],
[==[Wikipedia: When we're not the last word, we're the first.]==],
[==[If God didn't mean for Wikipedia to be, he would have nominated the whole thing for deletion.]==],
[==[You will never misspell "disambiguation" again.]==],
[==[[[Twelve Days of Christmas#Song|On this first day of Christmas]], <br>the [[Jimmy Wales|Jimbo]] gave to me, <br>[[Main Page|this fantastic worldwide Wiki]]. <br><br> Merry Christmas, Wikipedians, from the team at [[Wikipedia:Motto of the day|MOTD]].]==],
[==[Wikipedia: Over 500 articles on [[Pokémon|a '''single''' Japanese cartoon series]].]==],
[==[{{NUMBEROFUSERS}} [[Big Brother (1984)|Big Brother]]s are [[Help:Reverting|watching]] you!]==],
[==[Wanted: Willy on Wheels. {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} Articles Not Vandalised Reward]==],
[==[''Frankly, my [[Wikipedia:Templates_for_deletion|TfD]], I don't give a damn. But others do.'']==],
[==[''"The article, Percival; you must... revert it, that it be correct!"'' [[Le Morte Darthur|Le Morte Dwiki]]]==],
[==[We're not after glory! We're after knowledge. And, gentlemen, we mean to have it.]==]