
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:WikiProjectBanner/autodocs/doc

local export = {}

function export.render_docs(frame)
	local m_doc = require('Module:Documentation')
	local banner_name, is_templ = frame:getParent():getTitle():gsub("^Template:", "")
	banner_name = banner_name:match("^(.*)/sandbox$") or banner_name

	if is_templ == 0 then
		error("This module must be invoked from within a template")

	if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText ~= frame:getParent():getTitle() then
		error("This function must be invoked only on the banner page.")

	local success, banner_config = pcall(require, "Module:WikiProjectBanner/config/" .. banner_name)
	if not success then
		return m_doc._main {
			content = ('<p class="plainlinks">The banner configuration at [[Module:WikiProjectBanner/config/%s]] does not exist. Please [%s create it].</p>'):format(
				frame:callParserFunction('fullurl', 'Module:WikiProjectBanner/config/' .. banner_name,

	local out = { root = mw.html.create('') }
	out.root:wikitext(":''The following documentation is generated automatically from [[Module:WikiProjectBanner/config/" .. banner_name .. "]].''\n")
	out.root:wikitext(":''The hooks page for this banner is [[Module:WikiProjectBanner/config/" .. banner_name .. "/hooks]].''\n")	

	local template_data = {
		params = {};
		sets = {};
	template_data.description = {
		en = "Banner template for " .. (banner_config.project_name or ("WikiProject " .. banner_config.project))

	-- collects categories needed for the template to operate normally
	local categories = {}
	-- TODO: assessment scale args

	for _, tf_info in ipairs(banner_config.task_forces or {}) do
		-- TODO: generate documentation for task force args
	for _, nt_info in ipairs(banner_config.notices or {}) do
		-- TODO: generate documentation for notice args

	for _, cat in ipairs(categories) do
		-- check if cat exists, show message if not

	local m_json = require("Module:microJSON")

	return m_doc._main {
		content = tostring(out.root) .. "\n== [[mw:Extension:TemplateData|TemplateData]] documentation ==\n" ..
		frame:extensionTag("templatedata", m_json.encode_object(template_data, {
			description = { [true] = true };
			params = {
				[true] = {
					label = { [true] = true };
					description = { [true] = true };
					aliases = { [0] = true };
			sets = {
				[0] = {
					label = { [true] = true };
					params = { [0] = true };

return export